quinta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2010


"Life is an unfoldment, and the further we travel the more truth we can comprehend. To understand the things that are at our door is the best preparation for understanding those that lie beyond."

"A vida é um desdobramento, e quanto mais viajamos mais compreendemos a verdade. Compreender aquilo que está à nossa porta   é a melhor preparação para compreender aquilo que se estende para além desta."
                                                              Quote  by Hypatia

7 comentários:

  1. A lovely well captured photograph that.

  2. Three things:
    __I love this 'youthful' photo;
    __My daughter-in-law's life and her family began in Peru. The 'spanish' she speaks is heavily Peruvian, a differance. Seems I'd better become more aquainted with Portugese and Spanish, yo no habla en espanol;
    __In order to pass through, one must first go half-way to that door, then half-way again, then half again, and half, and half, and half... to infinity, thus it is physically impossible to pass through that door, unless one sets their goals beyond la porta... "those that lie beyond." _m

  3. Ola!
    tb ja vi o AGORA pk tb ganhei bilhetes pa antestreia! :)
    por isso mesmo ao reconheci a autora da citação - Hypathia -


  4. Great! Love the photo too!

  5. Abbot, it´s not mine.
    But yeah, it´s an excellent photo !

    Magyar,I have the same problem with the english language.
    I often mix up the english spoken in England with that from U.S.A.,or South Africa or Astralia.
    It´s really confusing at times.
    As always your words are filled with wisdom !

    Xaninha, fixe !!!

    Chris, thank´s !

    Andrea, eu tenho uma palavra : Eu te adoro :))))

  6. B'ful words! N an even more lovely photograph. But unfortunately i understand only english. :)
