quarta-feira, 1 de junho de 2011

Alive, He cried

Dear friends,hello.

I am very sorry for the long period without posting or giving news, but I´ve been experiencing some rather complicated personal and professional issues that kept me away from my obligations as a blogger (a bad one indeed).
I have also had some computer problems,since my last laptop went definitely KAPUT on me and is now at computer heaven.So only now I´ve been able to link myself to the Internet.
I would like to thank you all for your great patience,friendship and comments,and for sharing your time and ideas with this poor excuse of a blogger.

Your friend_BB

P.S. Meanwhile here is a small treat for those of you that like to travel and don´t know that much about Portugal.I found this great Virtual tour about the Jeronimos Monastery that I would like to share with you,so please click on the web link bellow.

I hope you enjoy the ride.

A todos os amigos(as) Portugueses(as) que têm sido tão generosos para comigo com o vosso tempo, mails,palavras de preocupação e afecto o meu mais profundo Obrigado.

4 comentários:

  1. Já tinha saudades... ;)
    Tadinho do PC... :P

    Vou ver o link porque não conheço :D


  2. Green obrigado pela visita
    Vou voltando aos poucos ainda com o tempo muito limitado.
    Beijos e obrigado por ires aparecendo apesar das minhas graves e demoradas ausências.
    Tudo de bom!

  3. O que importa é VOLTAR:)

  4. What a beautiful place! Thank you for sharing that. The architecture is incredible ... love the ceilings! Hope things are going well for you these days and you are in a good place in your life.
